
Showing posts from January, 2018

Martells from Sunspear

DORNE * Dorne is in south of Westeros. Sunspear * It is the hottest place in Westeros.  * It surrounded by Sea of Dorne,Summer Sea and Stepstones. Important Places Sunspear: House Martell's seat Starfall: House Dayne's seat  Yronwood: House Yronwood's seat PEOPLE * There are three Dornishmen: 1.Salty: They live in coastline. Their have smooth olive skin,long black hair.They are the most influenced people by Rhoynar. 2.Sandy: They live in deserts.Their skin burned by the hot Dornish sun. 3.Stony: They come from Andals and First Men.They have brown or blond hair. Stony,Sandy and Salty Dornishmen House Martell * They rule Dorne. * Their motto is Unbowed,Unbent,Unbroken. * They are Sandy Dornishmen. * They had spear in their logo but with Rhoynars advent they have spear and sun in their logo. * Some houses which are loyal Dorne:    * In Robert's Rebellion Elia Martell and her children died.Oberyn Martell-Elia's brother

Nymeria and Ten Thousand Ships

Nymeria Ten Thousand Ships Rhoyne There was civilization around world's the biggest river Rhoyne.They began to be rich because of Rhoyne.In the Rhoyne cities art and music was advanced.People tell the Folk of Rhoyne has got water magic.The river combined the cities but every city has got its own prince or princess.(it means men and women was equal)The Folk of Rhoyne can be very powerful enemy when they get angry.Rhoynars(the Folk of Rhoyne)lived in peace for centuries.There was barbarians who lives around the hills but they didn't disturbed the folk of river.When Valyrians came, the princes of Rhoyne embraced them.But some Rhoynars regreted when Valyria camps turned into cities, Rhoynars and Valyrians became opponents.They began to fight.Valyrians supported each other while they was fighting but Rhoyne princes was alone.When Valyrians won the Second Spice War, Prince Garin of Chroyane combined all prince and princess of Rhoyne.But Princess Nymeria of Ny Sar does