Starks from Winterfell


*In past people thought the north is bigger than south.But today everyone know the north is less than half of Westeros.
*In the north sometimes snow falls in summer and in winter the north is deathy.
*The biggest castle in the north is Winterfell.




*They have black hair and grey eyes.
*They bury their dead lords in the tomb which is under Winterfell and they put dead lord's statue on his tomb.
*Their nobility depends on the first men.
*House Stark set by Architect Brandon.
*They conquered the entire north in thousand of years.
*Some houses which are loyal Starks:

*When Targaryens came  King Torrhen Stark knelt in front of Targaryens.After that they became Lord 
*They supported Robert's rebellion.
*The northerners declared Robb Stark king.In Battle of Five King Freys and Boltons betrayed Robb Stark and killed him.


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