
Showing posts from 2017

Robert's Rebellion

First of his name King Robert Baratheon Reason Harrenhal Tournament Everyone thought Rhaegar Targaryen will declare his wife  Love and Beauty Queen after Harrenhal Tournament  but he declared Lyanna Stark who is fiance of Robert Baratheon the Love and Beauty Queen.After that he kidnapped Lyanna Stark.   When Brandon Stark heard this he went to King's Landing.He shouted for Rhaegar's death.Mad King arrested Brandon Stark and his followers.Then Mad King invite  Brandon Stark and his followers'  dads to respond their sons' guilt.Rickard Stark demonded trial by combat and Mad King chose fire as his champion.Lord Stark died while he was burning.Brandon Stark was forced to watch this and he died while he was trying to help his dad.After that King demanded Jon Arryn to kill Eddard Stark,Robert Baratheon but he didn't obey this. Result Robert won the wars.All Targaryens died except Viserys and Daenerys.Robert became a king and he declared Jon Arry

Aegon 1 Targaryen

His Physical Appearance and Character * He had purple eyes,short silver-gold hairs. * He had  short silver-gold hairs. * He was long. * He was fighting with his sword named Blackfyre.  His early life Aegon and his queens According to Targaryen features he should marry with his sister but he had two sisters and he married with both of them.(some people say Aegon married with his older sister because of his duty and he married with his younger sister because of love .) The conquest While he was reading the letter Finally he decided to go to West of Westeros for conquer the Seven Kingdoms. He prepared a table in the shape of Westeros map which hasn't got borders.(then people called it Painted Table)When his sisters Visenya and Rhaenys get ready they went to Aegon's Rock.They won a lot of wars.They conquered the Seven Kingdoms except Dorne.In the First Dornish War Rhaenys died.Aeogon and Visenya put bounties on the Dornish Lords and the Dornish Lords pu

Targaryens from Valyria

Dragonstone Valyria They came to Westeros from Essos for escape from the Doom of Valyria.Their opponents saw this a chance and let Targaryens go.When they came Westeros they began to live Dragonstone. Aegon Targaryen who is the last Dragonstone lord conquered Westeros except Dorne.He married with his sisters.(Visenya and Rhaenys.)Their motto is Fire and Blood.Their logo symbolize Aegon and his sisters. Their tradition and features * They marry with each other.Because they want to protect their pure-blood. * They have gold,silver or platinum hair. * They have purple eyes. * Some Targaryens have intuition power.(because of that the can escape from Doom of Valyria.) * They can stand the heat more than others but they haven't got immunity to fire * They burn their dead person.  The dragons * Targaryens known as the lords of dragons. * They built Dragonpit in King's Landing for their dragons. Dragonpit * Their dragons begin to weak in time.(Some people thi

GOT:Similarities between real life and serie

1.THE MAP Essos where is Dothraki and Khal Drogo live is look like Anatolia and Westeros is look like Seattle.   2.The conflicts between Starks and Lannisters This conflicts are look like War of the Roses which is between Lancasters and Yorks.This cold war is contiued in a thousands of years.This war's name is War of the Roses because both of the families have rose in their emblems.(Lannisters have red colour in their emblem and Starks have white colour in their emblem.) 3.Robb Stark He is look like 4.Edward.Just like him Robb Stark became a king after his father died,he won a lot wars,he didn't make political marrige he married for love.Both of their brothers are crippled. 4.Edward 4.Ironborns Their addiction of sea,subsistincing with sea spoils are look like Vikings lifestyle. 5.Brienne of Tarth:Joan of Arc Both of them have got short blonde hair.They are hefty,supporters of rightness.They are knights.They are depend on their kings.

GOT Theories

1.Jon Snow is Azor Ahai Evedinces * Jon's father is Rhaegar Targaryen.This means he has dragon blood. * When Melisandre looked inside the fires she sees Jon or his actions about snow which will actualize in future. 2.GOT's end * Sam will survive after all the things done and he will tell the things which is he experienced. 3.Jaime can kill Cersei * When Cersei went to Frog Maggy's house she said to her: ''Your valonqar(it means little brother) will kill you.         Based on this dialogue readers thought that theorie. 4.Syrio Forel can be Jagen Evedinces * Both of them are from Bravoos. * They helped Arya. *  Both of them call Arya ''boy'' 5.Robb Stark is alive * Starks can control animals and humans' brains.Some fans think when Robb Stark died he turned into a animal and he is still alive.

Starks from Winterfell

NORTH * In past people thought the north is bigger than south.But today everyone know the north is less than half of Westeros. * In the north sometimes snow falls in summer and in winter the north is deathy. * The biggest castle in the north is Winterfell.               Winterfell   HOUSE STARK * They have black hair and grey eyes. * They bury their dead lords in the tomb which is under Winterfell and they put dead lord's statue on his tomb. * Their nobility depends on the first men. * House Stark set by Architect Brandon. * They conquered the entire north in thousand of years. * Some houses which are loyal Starks:       * When Targaryens came  King Torrhen Stark knelt in front of Targaryens.After that they became Lord  * They supported Robert's rebellion. * The northerners declared Robb Stark king.In Battle of Five King Freys and Boltons betrayed Robb Stark and killed him.

GOT: Differences Between Books and Show

                           Characters Physical Appearince 1.Daenerys Targaryen: *In books her age is 13.But in show her age is bigger than 13. *In books she has purple eyes.But in the show the actress can't use lens because it is uncomfortable 2.Daario Naharis: *In books he has blue beard and yellow moustache.But in show he has black beard and moustache. 3.Robb Stark: *In books he is ginger like Tullys.But in show he has black hair. 4.Renly Baratheon: *In books he has long hair and green eyes .But in show he has short hair and brown eyes. 5.Tywin Lannister: *In books his hair is bald and he has green eyes.But in show his hair isn't bald and he has got blue eyes. The characters which is there is in books but there isn't in the show 1.Jeyne Stark(Westerling): *In the books she is the daughter of the lord of a family which is adhere to Lannisters.She fell in love with Robb Stark and they married with each other.Because of her Freys kil