Robert's Rebellion

First of his name King Robert Baratheon

Harrenhal Tournament
Everyone thought Rhaegar Targaryen will declare his wife Love and Beauty Queen after Harrenhal Tournament but he declared Lyanna Stark who is fiance of Robert Baratheon the Love and Beauty Queen.After that he kidnapped Lyanna Stark. 

When Brandon Stark heard this he went to King's Landing.He shouted for Rhaegar's death.Mad King arrested Brandon Stark and his followers.Then Mad King invite Brandon Stark and his followers' dads to respond their sons' guilt.Rickard Stark demonded trial by combat and Mad King chose fire as his champion.Lord Stark died while he was burning.Brandon Stark was forced to watch this and he died while he was trying to help his dad.After that King demanded Jon Arryn to kill Eddard Stark,Robert Baratheon but he didn't obey this.

Robert won the wars.All Targaryens died except Viserys and Daenerys.Robert became a king and he declared Jon Arryn Hand of the King.Robert married Cersei Lannister.

Cersei and Robert's wedding


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