Targaryens from Valyria

They came to Westeros from Essos for escape from the Doom of Valyria.Their opponents saw this a chance and let Targaryens go.When they came Westeros they began to live Dragonstone. Aegon Targaryen who is the last Dragonstone lord conquered Westeros except Dorne.He married with his sisters.(Visenya and Rhaenys.)Their motto is Fire and Blood.Their logo symbolize Aegon and his sisters.

Their tradition and features
*They marry with each other.Because they want to protect their pure-blood.
*They have gold,silver or platinum hair.
*They have purple eyes.
*Some Targaryens have intuition power.(because of that the can escape from Doom of Valyria.)
*They can stand the heat more than others but they haven't got immunity to fire
*They burn their dead person. 
The dragons
*Targaryens known as the lords of dragons.
*They built Dragonpit in King's Landing for their dragons.
*Their dragons begin to weak in time.(Some people think this event's reason is Targaryens' wars)
*The last Targaryen dragon was faulty and barren.It died when it was too young.


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